Monday, August 15, 2011

Clubfitting Or Not?!

My nephew came to visit this weekend and we had a plan for me to fit him for a set of clubs. He has not played a lot of golf and I worked with him some today on his Swing Fundamentals - grip, posture, alignment, and ball position.

He was having some success hitting some short irons - but not close to this level of success with hitting a driver. And I could see he was getting frustrated.

So - should I build him a set of clubs, knowing that he was likely to still have some problems hitting woods and a driver? And he DID come to see me largely with the expectation of getting some new clubs.

I felt good about the final decision. That was - make a few clubs that are easy to hit, get him in the right length clubs, BUT also get his dad to give him a present of some lessons so that he can get started on the right foot.

Do you think if he went to a Big Box Store he would have had this kind of advice......I wonder. I felt good about the outcome for HIM.

The Fit Is IT!!

Tony Wright

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