Monday, May 23, 2011

Getting It ALL!

My wife and I have been meeting with designers because we want to get our kitchen redone. We have met with about three different designers now, and each time we learn a little more about how to get what we want.

BUT we are also learning that there are compromises that we need to make in terms of the final kitchen we will get. Where we put the refrigerator affects whether or not we will get to be able to keep an island in the kitchen for example. So there are compromises to be made in terms of what will be the final result of the design and what will be available to us in the kitchen.

Is precision clubfitting the same, do we have to compromise based on the "box" of our swing and capabilities? Well yes there are things that cannot be changed. If we swing our driver at 90 mph, the most we can expect to carry our drives would be about 235 yards for example. And we might have wrist problems that keep us from releasing the club easily, and so be prone to pushing the ball to keep our wrist from hurting.

But the good news is that is an optimum for each of us in terms of our golf clubs. The right shaft, length, swingweight, flex and flex profile can lead to great results. We do not have to give in to compromise, we can get the best results for who we are and how we swing and play golf.

Sometimes lately I am thinking fitting is easier than finding the right final kitchen design!!

The Fit Is IT!!


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