Monday, February 28, 2011

Beware the "Magic Number" - It Does Not Change!!

Just about anywhere you might go these days to buy a driver in a golf equipment store, you will find some type of launch monitor that will be used to show you data on your swing speed, effectiveness of contact (Power Transfer Ratio), maximum carry distance, and other parameters.

There is a "magic number" that you should keep in mind when you are looking for a new driver. That number is 2.5 times your swing speed - the maximum carry distance that you can achieve with any driver based on your swing speed. And if your swing speed is below about 70 mph, this multiplier goes down to about 2.2 instead of 2.5......

There may be folks that suggest that you can get more carry distance than 2.5 times your swing speed with a new driver of some make. If someone tells you this, you should realize that this person is simply blowing smoke. Not possible. You might want to consider spending your $400 for your new driver somewhere else!

Now, you may also hear some sales folks say that with combinations of new shafts, grips, etc. that you can increase your swing speed by say 5 mph with new drivers also. Not likely either! - but a discussion on this topic is best left to a future blog post!


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