Monday, October 26, 2009

More AGCP Roundtable 4 Goodies....

There are a few specific tips and thoughts that I picked up from the RT4 clubfittting week. I thought some of you might be interested in them....

1. One of the big hits of the week was the "Swingrite" trainer available from Swingrite, an AGCP sponsor. I think everyone there who picked one up bought one! It helps you to learn the feel of a late release, a key to getting as much swing speed as you are capable of. I bought one too, I use it every morning before I go to work, and I think it works.

2. How to get hard-to-remove grip tape off shafts.........? Well I asked Keith Chatham from Precision Fit golf this and he immediately said Goo Gone. A citrus based cleaner that he uses to do this. Cannot wait to buy a bottle and try it.

3. There was a discussion about using tungsten powder down graphite shafts to increase club weight / MOI. Everyone said to not be afraid to do this with graphite, it does not create a problem.

4. Another AGCP sponsor sells the Silencer System....a system to allow you to put "rat glue" into a driver head to increase swing weight. I learned how to easily drill into the present hosel plug in a driver head and use the Silencer.

These are a couple of the best goodies I learned from the usual, a week well spent!


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